vSYNCRA's resident Bridge Dwelling Dog Boy VTuber Idol
A curious, vibrant, and excitable bundle of joy and bad puns.
He always gives 100 percent to everything and prides
himself on being eccentric.
In his off time when he is not drinking copious amounts of
soft drink, he likes to make music, dance, and voice act.
He hopes to bring people together through his performances
and make the world brighter.
One smile at a time
November 12th
January 31st 2023
5 ft 8
I want to make this into my full time job as soon as I can! Mocap my own MV, voice act in some of my favourite series, voice act in an indie 2D animated series, and host a free concert that reaches the entire world!
Bridge Buds
BE AMBITIOUS! If there's one thing I've learnt is that if you have a dream then hold onto that dream and never let go! Hold it tight and never stop believing in the future that you want to reach! Grab life by the harness and TUG AS HARD AS YOU CAN! Its important to pace yourself but remember to have fun!
Chicken and Rice, Passionate People, Heroism, Cute Things, Idols, Goggles and Scarfs!
Storm Drains, Sudden Loud Noises, Inconsiderate People, Wasting Time, Liquorice
Creating and listening to Music, Playing Trading Card Games, Reading Manga, Singing, Dancing, Baking, and Voice Acting
I like to play Indie Games, Cute Games, Roguelikes, and anything that has really fun combat! I'm also going to be doing a lot of my own brand of idol centric content, a REDACTED, and lore focused Zatsudan Streams!
General: #powpowseira
Art: #Powtrait
Live: #PowPowerOn
????: #????
Meme: #LaughPowtLoud
Clips: #PowPowClips